Cosmarino Assembly Tutorial

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About Cosmarino
The assembly process of the Cosmarino kit is very straight forward. You just need to follow the silkscreen labels to get the idea of assembly. A basic knowledge in soldering is enough for assembling the kit.
To be quick, you can see all the assembly images on Flickr.
Step 1: Solder all the 220 ohm resistors
Step 2: Solder 330 Ohm and 10K ohm resistors
Step 3: Solder 1N4001 diode.
Step 4: Solder LDR/ photoresistor.
Step 5: Solder BD139 NPN transistor
Step 6: Solder LM35DZ temperature sensor
Step 7: Solder TSOP4838 infrared sensor
Step 11: Solder 2pcs 15 pin female header
Step 12: Solder 3 pin screw terminal
Step 14: Stack Bluetooth module and Arduino Nano
Cosmarino Experiments