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3 digits – digital object counter DIY kit

Two digits – Digital object counter DIY kit is one of the most popular kits designed by BuildCircuit. The kit is very popular among electronics beginners and intermediate circuit players. 🛠️ Dive into our collection of DIY Kits, 🔊 Audio Amplifiers, Digital Scoreboards, FM transmitters, and more! 🎶 Explore endless possibilities at our new store.

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How does an FM transmitter DIY Kit work

A single-transistor FM transmitter DIY kit is a simple electronic circuit that allows you to broadcast an audio signal wirelessly using frequency modulation (FM). Such kits are popular among electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists due to their simplicity and educational value. Let’s break down the working of a typical single-transistor FM transmitter: Components: Transistor: The heart…

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Unveiling the Power of Open Source Hardware: A Collaborative Innovation Frontier

Introduction In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and a growing emphasis on collaboration, open source principles have transcended the realm of software and made an indelible mark on hardware development. Open source hardware (OSH) represents a paradigm shift in innovation, fostering a community-driven approach that democratizes access to technology and enables a more…

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Popular Android Apps for 12CH Bluetooth Arduino module

Shortcut link for this article is https://www.buildcircuit.com/12ch 12 channels Bluetooth module for Arduino-Android communication is yet another kit for experimenting with Arduino and Android. This small module can be very effective for those learning and trying some apps using MIT media labs apps inventor . BTRF: BTRF is a module similar to the 12CH Bluetooth module....
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10 factors that affect the transmission range of DIY FM Transmitters

BuildCircuit sells several types of FM transmitters for electronics beginners and hobbyists. Some are for short-range and some for long-range transmission. Sometimes, customers complain that they didn't get the mentioned quality or the required range of transmission. In this article, I am explaining 10 factors that affect the transmission range as well as the transmitted...
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DIY KIT 66- Basic electronic dice with 7 LEDs

This is yet another CD4017 and NE555 based digital dice with 7 LEDs. When you press the tactile switch, the LEDs start flashing and stop with a pattern that represents a number between 1 to 6 like real dice. The display will always random. [ytvg_container layout_img_size="maxres" popup_ads_enabled="true" main_font_weight="" heading_font_weight="" meta_font_weight="" data="%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22Kit%20assembly%20video%20tutorial%22%2C%22urls%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FcxRttGrZW0c%22%7D%5D" popup_width="1200px" popup_ads_google_ads_client_id="ca-pub-3959191968523970" popup_ads_google_ads_slot_id="7854790433" text_color="#000000"...
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DIY KIT 65- NE555 based sound generator DIY kit with a photoresistor

This is yet another NE555 based DIY kit for electronics beginners. A long time ago, I had published this project on this page: https://www.buildcircuit.com/sound-generator/ The electronic kit presented in this article is exactly the same circuit that I had published previously. The circuit is an astable mode timer. The output frequency of the NE555 varies…

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