DIY KIT 67- How to build Jaycar’s electronic dice DIY kit

This is yet another electronic dice project from Jaycar. When you press the RED button on the PCB, all 7 LEDs flash for a while and the LEDs that stay on will represent numbers between 1 and 6. This is a basic learning kit for electronic beginners. Basic soldering skill is enough to build the kit.
This kit is similar to an electronic dice kit from eBay. Check it out.
Watch the video below to see all the assembly steps:
The video published below is documentation of good images. The images will help you assemble the kit easily.
You can see all the images below. All the images can be viewed on Flickr.
Download Jaycar’s Short Circuits Volume 1, 2 and 3:
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3: