DIY KIT 66- Basic electronic dice with 7 LEDs

This is yet another CD4017 and NE555 based digital dice with 7 LEDs. When you press the tactile switch, the LEDs start flashing and stop with a pattern that represents a number between 1 to 6 like real dice. The display will always random. [ytvg_container layout_img_size="maxres" popup_ads_enabled="true" main_font_weight="" heading_font_weight="" meta_font_weight="" data="" popup_width="1200px" popup_ads_google_ads_client_id="ca-pub-3959191968523970" popup_ads_google_ads_slot_id="7854790433" text_color="#000000"...
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DIY KIT 65- NE555 based sound generator DIY kit with a photoresistor

This is yet another NE555 based DIY kit for electronics beginners. A long time ago, I had published this project on this page: The electronic kit presented in this article is exactly the same circuit that I had published previously. The circuit is an astable mode timer. The output frequency of the NE555 varies…

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