DIY KIT 8- Happy Birthday LED Flashing DIY Kit using CD4060 and Music Chip

This is a basic electronic kit for beginners. The kit has few SMD component and few through-hole components. Because it has SMD components, it is recommended to use a temperature-controlled soldering iron to solder the CD4060 chip.
You need to set the temperature to 300°C, otherwise, you may burn the chip and the kit will not work. The kit has colorful LEDs and when the kit is turned on, you will see the Happy Birthday Music and flashing of LEDs go together.
You can adjust the speed of flashing of LEDs using the potentiometer. This kit gives you a lot of ideas about soldering through-hole and SMD components. You need to be careful while soldering the diodes, capacitors, LEDs and the buzzer because all these components have polarity. Connecting the capacitor in the wrong way will explode it.
Soldering of music chip is a bit tricky, so, you need to see the video till the end. You need basic soldering skill to build the kit. It takes about an hour to build the kit for beginners.
The schematic of the kit:
You will receive these components in the kits package:
The final look/output of the kit after assembly:
Check out all the assembly images:
Check out all the commercial images: