DIY KIT 66- Basic electronic dice with 7 LEDs

This is yet another CD4017 and NE555 based digital dice with 7 LEDs. When you press the tactile switch, the LEDs start flashing and stop with a pattern that represents a number between 1 to 6 like real dice. The display will always random. [ytvg_container layout_img_size="maxres" popup_ads_enabled="true" main_font_weight="" heading_font_weight="" meta_font_weight="" data="" popup_width="1200px" popup_ads_google_ads_client_id="ca-pub-3959191968523970" popup_ads_google_ads_slot_id="7854790433" text_color="#000000"...
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Amarino Nano 1.0

[mpc_vc_quote quote="Amarino Nano 1.0 kit facilitates communication between Arduino Nano and Android applications via Bluetooth. "] Amarino Nano Output Amarino Nano is a very simple kit for experimenting with Amarino toolkit- a quick prototyping application based on Android. However, you don't essentially need Amarino toolkit to experiment with this kit. It works with many other apps made...
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Using phone features with Amarino lamp

Recommended app In this post... "Make the lamp respond to orientation sensor, light sensor and phone call" Amarino lamp responding to Phone call About Amarino Lamp Amarino toolkit is a versatile Android application for experimenting Android-Arduino communication via Bluetooth. You can test some of the features of the Amarino toolkit application with Amarino lamp also. For...
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Build a simple DIY clap switch

Description: Here’s a simple DIY clap switch circuit. The circuit is mainly composed of an audio frequency and a bistable trigger circuit. Q1 and Q2 together form an amplifier circuit. MK1 (electret microphone) accepts Clap/Audio signal and that enters to transistor Q1 through the coupling capacitor C1 and enters to Q2 base through collector directly after getting…

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