I have taken this project from This project has been released under creative commons license. This project can be useful Arduino beginners for learning 8X8 LED MATRIX. The experiment publisher has made a simple snake game. I have not tested this project, but I am sure that it should work on your breadboard also.

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NeuroDreamer Sleep Mask

“Use your brainwaves to help you rest, guided by soothing music and fading lights.” – The NeuroDreamer Sleep Mask by Cornfield Electronics is a meditation device that flashes colored lights at your eyelids and plays brainwave beats for your ears to help you fall asleep, have lucid dreams, or for meditation. NeuroDreamer is open source…

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Arduino YÚN

Source: Arduino YÚN is the first member of a new groundbreaking line of wifi products combining the power Linux with ease of use of Arduino. The first Arduino YÚN is the combination of a classic Arduino Leonardo (based on the Atmega32U4 processor) with a Wifi system-on-a-chip running Linino (a MIPS GNU/Linux based on OpenWRT)….

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Amarino Experiment- Temperature sensor data and LED controller on Amarino Interface- redirected

This experiment makes the use of ‘Android- Arduino BTCOMM Shield’ and Amarino. If you are not familiar with the shield, visit this page.  This experiment is similar to my previous tutorial- Sensor graph and LED controller together. You can also see one more similar experiment- Sensor graph and LED controller using Smart Phone- Arduino Shield. If you…

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